09 September 2011

CFP: Parliamentary communication against democracy / Nationalism, majoritarianism and democracy

CFP: Parliamentary communication against democracy / Nationalism, majoritarianism and democracy: Facing the challenge of neo-liberal globalization and its coming crisis

Paper proposals are now invited for the 22nd World Congress of Political Science, organized by the International Political Science Association (IPSA) in Madrid, Spain, 8-12 July 2012. The theme of the congress, "Reshaping Power, Shifting Boundaries", seems to have caused the creation of quite a number of panels concerned with the crisis of democracy.

Here, I am only listing two panels that seem particularly relevant and do not already have a sufficient number of papers linked to them. Persons involved in both panels have previously participated in events I organized.

First, I'd like to highlight the panel on "Parliamentary communication against democracy", which forms part of the session (conference section) organized by Research Committee (RC) 22, "Political Communication": http://www.ipsa.org/my-ipsa/events/madrid2012/panel/parliamentary-communication-against-democracy

Quote: "From a theoretical perspective of liberal democracy, parliamentary communication should only allow for democratic ways of speaking. ... But, what happens if parliamentary communication renders anti-democratic or even a-democratic parlance possible? ... This panel aims at discussing the impact of anti-democratic rhetoric in parliamentary discourses from different points of view."

Convenor: Alexander Weiss (University of Hamburg): 1weiss@web.de

Second, a panel titled "Nationalism, majoritarianism and democracy: Facing the challenge of neo-liberal globalization and its coming crisis", under the purview of RC 14, "Politics and Ethnicity": http://www.ipsa.org/my-ipsa/events/madrid2012/panel/nationalism-majoritarianism-and-democracy-facing-challenge-neo-liber

Quote: "Michael Mann's 'The Dark Side of Democracy' argues that extreme crimes like genocide and ethnic cleansing tend to occur, or at least be legitimized, within a majoritarian democracy framework. This panel ... explores whether majoritarian democracy should be conceived as the pre-existing institutional context in which democracy, via populism, can degenerate into self-destruction."

Convenor: Adrian Guelke (Queen's University Belfast): a.guelke@qub.ac.uk

To submit a paper proposal, you'll need to create a free IPSA website account. It appears not to be possible to submit a proposal to a panel directly. Panel convenors are expected to find the paper in the database once it has been submitted and link it to their respective panels. This means that if you wish to submit your proposal to a particular panel, you'll need to inform the panel convenor by e-mail too.

It may also be possible to submit a paper to the general pool, rather than a particular session/panel. Papers may then be allocated to an existing panel, or further panels may be formed.

An as yet incomplete list of panels accepted into the programme of this triennial conference has been posted on the IPSA website.

The deadline to submit paper proposals has been extended to 17 October 2011.

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