31 August 2011

Article: Jihad Against Infidels and Democracy: A Frame Analysis of Jihadist Ideology and Jurisprudence for Martyrdom and Violent Jihad

Article: Jihad Against Infidels and Democracy: A Frame Analysis of Jihadist Ideology and Jurisprudence for Martyrdom and Violent Jihad

An article on the more obvious enemies of democracy (and the new leader of al-Qaeda): Randall G. Rogan (Wake Forest University), "Jihad Against Infidels and Democracy: A Frame Analysis of Jihadist Ideology and Jurisprudence for Martyrdom and Violent Jihad" ("Communication Monographs", 77 [3], September 2010: pp. 393-413).

Quote: "Of significant noteworthiness is the visible absence of scholarly research investigating the writings, pronouncements, or communiqués of the proponents of jihadism. This study sought to address this gap by exploring two written documents with authorship attributed to Ayman al-Zawahiri that focused on Islam's relationship with democracy and the jurisprudence for jihad. ... The findings indicate that Zawahiri tended to frame democracy as an apostate religion that competes with Islam and therefore, must be destroyed".

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