03 December 2011

Article: The Austere Demagogue: Thucydides on the Uses and Abuses of Periclean Rhetoric

Erich Kofmel - Google+
Article: The Austere Demagogue: Thucydides on the Uses and Abuses of Periclean Rhetoric

Just published: Odysseus Makridis (Fairleigh Dickinson University), "The Austere Demagogue: Thucydides on the Uses and Abuses of Periclean Rhetoric" ("Atlantic Journal of Communication", 19 [5], 2011: pp. 268-84).

Quote: "The portrait I draw here, of Pericles as an austere demagogue, shows us that it is not always easy to distinguish between the demagogic manipulator of collective desires and the ostensibly rational leader of a people in crisis. It is not only extravagant speech that poses a threat in democracy; so does an austere rhetoric, if applied by one as skillful as Pericles."

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